Ultimate Girl Planner – Notion Template

$ 49,00

With our Premium Private Label Rights (PLR) Notion Ultimate Girl Planner Template, you can effortlessly design and offer your own digital products to your customers.

This template includes a comprehensive Notion dashboard with multiple pages.
✓ Ultimate Girl Planner
✓ Daily Planner
✓ Weekly Planner
✓ Monthly Planner
✓ Task Tracker
✓ Habit Tracker

You can edit:

  • Text (content, size, color, style)
  • Photos
  • Background color
  • Move and scale elements

PLEASE NOTE: While you are not allowed to sell the template as a PLR product with resell rights, you can offer it to clients for personal use. Resell rights may not be transferred.

After purchasing this template, you’ll receive a link in the email to the template. This template is made in Notion.